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Contact Us

CTA Email: counciloftexasarcheologists@gmail.com

If you would like to email an Executive officer or committee chair, please locate their emails through the member directory, located in the members only section (available upon login). 

Officers (Executive Committee)

President: Christina Nielsen
Vice President: Pollyanna Clark
Secretary: Scotty Moore
Treasurer: Analise Hollingshead
Newsletter Editor: Catherine Jalbert

Standing Committee Chairs

Auditing: Marybeth Tomka

Communications and Contractor's Listing: Laura Clark
Curation: Marybeth Tomka
Governmental Affairs: Nesta Anderson

Membership: Cyndal Mateja

Multicultural Relations: Mary Jo Galindo
Nominating: Emily Dylla
Public Education: Todd Ahlman
Standards and Guidelines: Jodi Jacobson

Special Committee Chairs / Ad Hoc Committees

History: Reign Clark

Lost Cemeteries Task Force: Andi Burden

Texas Private Lands Heritage Preservation Partnership: Eric Schroeder

Training and Education: Sarah Chesney and Virginia Moore

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